Wayne Grange reports on new Ohio ag director, Brian Baldridge


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Director Brian Baldridge | Ohio Dept. of Agriculture

Wayne Grange met on Friday, Jan. 20, at 7 p.m. Master Bev Edwards called the meeting to order with nine members present. The meeting was in the basement as we didn't want to heat the whole building.

Legislative Chairperson Jordan Miller reported that there is a new Ohio Department of Agriculture director. Dorothy Pelanda retired, and Brian Baldridge is the new director.

Family Activities Chairperson Bev Edwards reported that we will be having our baking contest at the March meeting. The recipes are in your September/October Grange magazine. You should be working on any crafts for this summer, which is in the magazine also.

Community Service Chairperson Margaret Ann Ruhl reported the results of the members voting on what organizations to donate our bake sale proceeds. Ruhl also announced that she and Sue Roy completed four new podcasts. One was on scams and for you to not give any personal information to anyone without knowing for sure whom you are dealing with on the phone or computer. 

We also talked about a Spotlight on grangers. Many didn't know of Dave Dalrymple's history and his accomplishments. Dalrymple was a humble and quiet person, at least at grange.

The old business was the picnic shelter. Margaret Ann Ruhl was to get a quote from someone to take down the shelter and remove the cement. No report from the individual yet.

New business was the bake sale, if we want to participate in it again this year. A motion was made, and all voted aye to have it again this year. Jordan Miller said Consolidated Cooperative has a grant that he will try to get to replace the side doors of the grange hall. Miller will report more at our next meeting. Discussion about the meals we serve for the organizations and the fact that all the supplies are increasing. It was decided to increase our cost by $2. Dartball players are going to Morgan Grange on Sunday, Jan. 22. Anyone wanting to play should contact Jordan Miller.

Cathy and Dave Morey presented the lecturer's program. Reading of why not to use Q-tips in your ears? And the history of the Knox County Memorial Building, which will be 90 years old this year. Discussion on Wayne Grange and that our building was erected in 1933 and was dedicated on Feb. 7, 1934. Ohio State Grange is celebrating its 150th year anniversary this year and the Knox County Fair Booth should display both accomplishments.

The next meeting will be Feb. 17 at 7 p.m.