Knox Educational Service Center earns Business-Education Leader Award

Preschoolers and band

The East Knox Preschoolers got to explore instruments and music with the band in a Knox Educational Services Center program | Knox County Educational Services Center/Facebook

Knox County Educational Service Center was honored as one of Ohio’s 2023 Two-Star Business Advisory Councils, one of 26 across the state. Groups and organizations being honored demonstrate excellence in developing professional skills for the future, building partnerships and coordinating experiences, which contribute to preparing students for success.

Interim Superintendent of Public Instruction Stephanie Siddens and Ohio Lt. Gov. Jon Husted announced the state's Business-Education Leader Awards for Excellent Business Advisory Councils on Jan. 10.

“When students graduate, we want to make sure they carry with them a portfolio of knowledge, skills and real-world learning,” Siddens said in a release. “Business Advisory Councils continue to add meaningful, dynamic and collaborative connections for students throughout the PreK-12 experience that will benefit them now and in their future careers.”

The awards recognize educators, business partners, staff, schools, businesses, educational service centers, joint vocational school districts and communities that come together to create dynamic, career-focused learning environments for students.

The Knox Educational Service Center develops, implements and operates cooperative, shared educational services for the Centerburg, Clear Fork Valley, Danville, East Knox, Fredericktown and Mount Vernon City school districts, according to its website.

The programs are in the areas of special-education services, student programs, and employee and community services. Those include school psychological services to evaluate preschool students with special needs, classroom instruction and program supervision for students in kindergarten through 12th grade with emotional disabilities, speech, occupational and physical therapy. The programs also include alternative school instruction and program supervision for students ages 5 through 21, employment of classroom and personal aides for participating school districts, and training programs for teachers and aides.