Hope Now Furniture Bank, Women United to sponsor promotion



Halle Krajenski, United Way program director, presents a check from Women United to Hope Now Volunteers and staff to underwrite a “Beds for Kids” promotional effort. | Hope Now Furniture Bank

The Women’s United Founders’ Council of Knox County has granted Hope Now Furniture Bank funding to undertake a month-long promotion, “Beds for Kids,” to provide new beds with bedding to Knox County children.

The Women United organization said, “Women United members are pleased to be able to support Hope Now Furniture Bank in purchasing new beds for needy children. In their funding application, Hope Now said, 'Every kid deserves their own bed and a bed they can be proud of.'”

Rev. Mearle Griffiith, Hope Now executive director, said the Women United grant enables Hope Now Furniture Bank to purchase box spring foundations, mattresses, sheets, pillows and pillowcases as well as comforters for the kids. 

“Normally, we distribute more than 140 single beds and bedding per year from our generously donated used inventory. When donations do not fill our demand, we find it necessary to purchase what is needed. We are always seeking gently used beds, mattresses and bedding of all sizes to meet this urgent need,” Griffith said. “This gift allows us to expand our bedding inventory and make a special promotion possible.”

Hope Now Furniture Bank has a mission to provide gently used furniture and housewares to Knox County’s most needy individuals and families. For nearly 20 years, the furniture bank has grown to fulfill an expanding need in the county. Starting in a single room, it has grown to serve nearly 300 individuals and families per year from its warehouse at 1201 S. Main St. in Mount Vernon.

Women United is an affinity group of United Way of Knox County composed of passionate women who offer their time, talent and treasure to improve lives throughout Knox County. This volunteer-driven group is an organization of its own design and exists to mobilize the power of women to advance the common good in the community. Women United members are passionate about improving the health, financial stability and educational opportunities for women and children in Knox County. For membership inquiries, email halle@uwayknox.org.

People seeking information concerning qualifications for Hope Now Furniture Bank services or more details about “Beds for Kids” may call 740-392-3155 or contact the executive director at exdirect.hopenow@gmail.com.


Halle Krajenski, United Way program director, presents a check from Women United to Hope Now Volunteers and staff to underwrite a “Beds for  Kids” promotional effort. Receiving the check are, from left, Calvin Hulse; K. Lee Rhoades; Kathy Stover; Cindy Sperry; Steve Frye; director of operations; Mearle Griffith, executive director; and Vicki Carney.