Gourd crafting workshop set



MOUNT VERNON – The Knox County Park District will host a gourd crafting workshop on Thursday, Sept. 15, from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at the Wolf Run Park House at 18033 Yauger Road. 

Nelson and Judy Litzenberg of Centerburg will host the event. During the workshop, participants will paint and decorate a gourd to serve as a centerpiece with additional fresh gourds.

The Litzenbergs first became interested in gourds when they attended the Ohio Gourd Show at Mount Gilead in 1995. They have been growing and crafting with gourds ever since. Their main interest in gourd crafting is chip carving and painting. 

Gourds have been used for dippers, food prep, food bowls, storage, etc. The Ohio Gourd Society will soon host the Ohio Gourd Show on Oct. 7, 8 and 9 at the Delaware County Fairgrounds. Check out the website www.ohiogourdsociety.com.

The cost of the workshop will be $15 pre-paid by Sept. 15. Electronic forms of payment are accepted as well as a personal check. Class size is limited to 10 participants with a waiting list to follow. This is a first come, first served basis, so register early and pre-pay. To register, complete this Google form https://forms.gle/Tp8jDDyh9Q5qAswc6 and contact Judy Litzenberg at 740-501-7918.