Kicking off the 2022 campaign

Press Release

Unnamed 23

United Way Brew 2/2 | United Way of Knox County Ohio, Inc.

A message from our United Way office:

Every year, my staff and I are tasked with finding the slogan and designing a logo and message for our United Way Campaign. We take great care to find the appropriate message that communicates the importance of your role in supporting United Way and the impact that it makes in Knox County.

This year is no exception. This is “YOUR United Way,” which speaks volumes. We want you to feel proud of what YOUR gifts are accomplishing by changing the lives of our most vulnerable individuals and families. We see how YOUR community members are serving in United Way Leadership positions, participating in decision-making and special events each year. YOUR ability to designate how we invest YOUR dollars provides an easy, streamlined process that works both on paper and online.

We are listening and including YOUR ideas, thoughts and visions in every decision we make. Please feel free to reach out to me or anyone at our office and let us know if you have a specific vision, idea or suggestion that best reflects how you would like to see YOUR UNITED WAY in 2022 and into the future!