Letter to the Editor Stop insulting women’s moral intelligence

Letter to the Editor

Letter to editor

To the Editor:

Whether you live in a city, suburb, or rural area, most Ohioans believe individuals have the right to make their own personal choices concerning their lives and the families they are raising.

We suddenly find [Gov. Mike] DeWine and our Republican politicians are imposing their religious views into law, mandating government control over the intimate lives of all women and female children residing here. We citizens of Ohio deserve politicians who will protect the right to abortion.

We can come together to make sure Ohio is a welcoming state for anyone of reproductive age by electing Nan Whaley as our pro-choice governor.  We can give our state a bright future by restoring laws that secure our freedom and responsibility to make core life choices according to our own religious and ethical values. This lawful respect, in combination with Intel-ushered prosperity, will attract college students, families, and forward thinking entrepreneurs to our state, knowing they will have the security of world class obstetric and gynecological care, and can lead self-determined, productive lives. 

Norma Butterfield

Mount Vernon