Wayne Grange


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Wayne Grange met at the Millers' house for the annual picnic on Aug. 19. There were 12 members, one guest and two children at the picnic at 6:30 p.m. Elaine Hillier started with a prayer over the food.

At 7:30 p.m., Master Jordan Miller called the meeting to order. After the minutes were read by Cathy Morey, they were approved. David Dalrymple reported on the Treasurer's report, which was approved for audit.

Legislative Chair Jordan Miller reported that resolutions are due to the Ohio State Grange by Sept. 1. Miller read one resolution that electric companies should give an automatic refund to all customers with electric outage longer than 5 days. The customer should not have to fill a request for reimbursement for food loss or hotel costs if they had to move from their homes or apartments. Miller also has idea for another resolution to implement the farms at the prisons that were closed in 2016. Margaret Ann Ruhl and Miller will work on the wording, then present to Ohio State Grange for their approval.

Family Activities Chair Bev Edwards announced that we will be serving the Knox County Township Association dinner on Tuesday, September 6. Suggestion of assorted cakes for dessert. Edwards also will be ordering the Dictionaries for the 3rd graders at Fredericktown.

Community Service Chair, Margaret Ann Ruhl announced only one more week for the Fredericktown Farmer's Market for the grange to participate. Ruhl thanked all that have helped and especially David Dalrymple, who has been to every Thursday, except for two. We should keep in mind where this money should go that we have collected. More discussion on this at the next meeting.

Old Business was that Wayne Grange received first place booth at the Knox County Fair. The Wayne Grange Auxiliary received third place, with congratulations to Margaret Ann Ruhl and Belinda Litt for putting them up and taking them down. More discussion on the picnic shelter at the grange property. Margaret Ann Ruhl is trying to get a quote to remove it as the roof is falling in.

New Business was the results of the crafts and photo contest at Knox County Pomona Grange and headed to the Ohio State Grange Convention. Reported winners from Wayne Grange, a knitted cozy made by Margaret Ann Ruhl; embroidery by Mary Beutel; plastic canvas by Mary Beutel; knitted shawl by Margaret Ann Ruhl; stuffed toy by Mary Beutel; photos by Heather Miller of an animal, agricultural and grange activity.

Election of officers was held with Master Jordan Miller, Overseer Sarah Howard, Lecturer Terri Moore, Steward David Morey, Assistant Steward Ed Moore, Lady Assistant Steward Belinda Litt, Gatekeeper John Beutel, Chaplin Elaine Hillier, Secretary Cathy Morey, Treasurer David Dalrymple, Ceres Margaret Ann Ruhl, Pomona Mary Beutel, Flora Heather Miller and Executive Committee Tommy Howard, Matt Moore and Bev Edwards.

Belinda Litt announced that the Auxiliary will not be meeting until in October.

Cathy Morey gave an update on Dave Morey. He has found a dentist to do his dental work and then he can schedule heart surgery.

Meeting was adjourned by Jordan Miller.

Submitted by Margaret Ann Ruhl, Reporter.