Morgan Grange



Twenty-two members of Morgan Grange met for their monthly meeting on Friday, May 13, with Master Will Smith presiding and members singing "I'm looking over a four leaf clover" as their opening song. Roll call was taken and minutes of the last meeting were approved. We received a demit from Diane Smith to transfer her membership from Wayne Grange to Morgan. A motion was made and carried to accept her demit.

Knox County Deputy Cindy Campbell reported that around 75 people were in attendance at the Farm-City dinner. JoAnn Walton and Cindy Campbell attended Rural Life Sunday on May 1. The Deputies Conference will be held on Saturday, May 14. Thanks were given to Oneta Debolt, Sue Bateman and Loretta Crego for making 100 blankets and 185 pillowcases. Pomona Grange will meet on Monday, May 16, at Wayne grange with Middlebury hosting. Morgan will be preparing a class reunion dinner on Friday, June 10, and preparing and serving the Utica Alumni Banquet on Saturday, June 11. The State Grange Talent contest will be held on June 18th at the Ohio Eastern Star Home. Morgan will be serving a luncheon to Utica senior citizens on Monday, July 11, at the Utica Church of Christ.

Aileen Hiltner presented a plaque from the Dictionary Project noting their thanks for Morgan's participation in the program for the last eighteen years.  Mary Bebout's name was drawn as the winner of the door prize from The Energy Cooperative's annual  meeting.  Members were given  the second paper to complete for the Heirloom project and were reminded to donate children and adult socks to the Sockless Monster program which will provide socks to homeless shelters.  Donations are still being accepted for items to be given to New Directions.  Members celebrating birthdays this month are Jim Hughes, Doug Long and Dee Smith.

Grange was closed with members singing "Now the day is over." Refreshments were served following the meeting as members played a short game of Bingo.  No one had a winning card so the prize will be $60.00 at our next meeting on Friday, July 8, 2022 at 7:30 p.m.

Submitted by Rita Smith, grange reporter.