Fair districting debacle in Ohio

Letter to the Editor

Letter to editor

The majority of Ohioans, 75% of us, voted in May 2018 for an amendment to the Ohio Constitution for fair election district maps and the process to procure them.

Yet Republicans in our Statehouse have refused to honor our vote. Rather, they have produced three sets of maps that have not met voter-approved guidelines and that have been struck down by the Ohio Supreme Court, which represents the interest of Ohio voters. Indeed, our elected GOP has voted to keep the same unfair district maps that were deemed unconstitutional by the Ohio Supreme Court and are proceeding with the current election with districts similar to those in 2018.

Why do our elected Republicans in the Statehouse feel they can trample on our vote? Because they do not represent us. They represent the corporations that feed them dark money to run their campaigns and to manipulate laws and rulings to corporate profit benefit.

The 75% of us who voted for fairer districts should take action; joining together with our neighbors, all constituents of our communities, to voice our disapproval, demand that the courts uphold our vote and our constitution, and make voting in Ohio fairer for the benefit of all of us.

Make your outrage heard by contacting the Ohio Redistricting Commission (https://redistricting.ohio.gov) and our State Representative Rick Carfagna (http://rickcarfagna.com).

Kathryn Edwards

Mount Vernon