Knox County Pomona Grange


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The Knox County Pomona Grange met on Monday, March 21, at Wayne Grange on State Route 95. The meeting was called to order by Master Lonnie Totten with 24 members and three guests present. After the opening of the grange, the fifth degree was presented. Master Lonnie Totten thanked all that participated in the degree.

Legislative chair and state grange master/president Sue Roy announced that there would be a Zoom call on Friday, March 25 at 7 p.m. It was to talk about purchasing hearing aids over the counter; Amber Corell, national ambassador, would talk about her visit to Washington D.C. fly-in; prescriptions and the cost of the middle person; the redistricting of the congressional maps and the selling of E85 gasoline. Our state ambassador, Ryan Patton, has an internship with Land-O-Lakes in Michigan. 

Youth chair Bruce Roy announced the Youth will be having their camp at Hocking Hills this summer and the Junior grangers are having a lock-down at the Ohio State Grange on Saturday, March 26. There are 15 children registered.

Mary Jewell announced that April is National Grange month. There is a telethon being hosted by the National Grange, and if your grange is doing anything to celebrate National Grange month, you need to submit it to them.

Cathy Morey, deaf chair, reported that she was able to listen and see the deaf conference via Zoom. Morey was thankful for her daughter, who helped her get connected to the conference. 

County Deputy Cindy Campbell reported that Jerry Lewis was ill and so we had some substitutes for our fifth degree. Thanking all that were willing to step into their offices. Campbell is starting the annual inspections of all the granges in Knox County. She reminded us of all the grange activities going on this coming month. Sixth degree was Saturday, March 26, at 1 p.m. at the Knox County Memorial Building; County Dartball tournament was Sunday, March 27, at noon at Morgan Grange; State Dartball tournament was Saturday, April 2, starting at 10 a.m. at the Old Fredericktown High School, and the Farm-City Dinner is Monday, April 18, at a new place, being the Ramser 4-H Center on Fairgrounds Road. Doors open at 6 p.m., dinner is catered at 6:30 p.m. and the program will start at 7 p.m. We will have two speakers and many door prizes. Cost is $5 per person for the dinner. Awards will be given to the Distinguished Granger from each granges in Knox County.

Guest Deb Hamilton was the judge for the county baking contest. Winners were youth potato chip cookies – Connie Powell from Monroe-Dan Emmett Grange; Hawaiian bread – Etta Arnholt from Monroe-Dan Emmett Grange; can't leave alone bars – JoAnn Walton from Morgan Grange; rippled coffee cake – Bev Edwards from Wayne Grange; Mr. Brumbaugh's soft double chocolate chip cookies – Margaret Ann Ruhl from Wayne Grange; and chocolate chip blondies – Lonnie Totten from Monroe-Dan Emmett Grange. All of the winners are to compete at the State Baking Contest on May 14, which is the deputy masters' meeting.

Communications were from Cindy Campbell, a letter telling about the upcoming Farm-City Dinner and the many changes. Also asking for donations for door prizes.

New business was getting things ready for the state dartball tournament. The Knox County Granges are to have the refreshments. So far, there are a total of nine teams to compete.

Lecturer Will Smith had a program on Common Courtesy Day. Quotes were read from Ned Campbell, Sam Williams, Ed Moore, JoAnn Walton, Bruce Roy, Marie Walker, Janet White, Margaret Ann Ruhl and Cindy Campbell. Will Smith read from the Heirloom from National Grange to bring back the history as it was written. 

A cake walk was done, but there was no cake, so it was changed to a flower walk. Deb Hamilton won the flowers and was giving them to Elaine Hillier since she couldn't make the meeting.

Kevin Evans was the inspector for grange. He was impressed with the degree work and all the activities the grange does. He also noted that it was good to see the formal opening and closing of the grange as many granges no longer do this.

Next meeting will be at the Farm-City dinner on Monday, April 18, which is not a meeting as a gathering at 7 p.m. Next official meeting of Pomona Grange is May 16 at Sockman Lake, hosted by Middlebury Grange at 7 p.m.

Submitted by Margaret Ann Ruhl, Reporter.