Individual cases of COVID-19 no longer being investigated

Health & Wellness

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MOUNT VERNON – Knox Public Health announced it is no longer conducting individual case investigation and contract tracing for positive cases of COVID-19. 

The action follows last week’s recommendation from the Ohio Department of  Health that due to the quick spread of the Omicron variant and newly reduced timelines for quarantine and isolation, case investigation and exposure notification are impractical.

Instead of individual cases, Knox Public Health will now focus case investigation on individuals in high-risk settings such as congregate residential settings, including nursing homes, shelters and correctional facilities; and for certain circumstances such as outbreaks or clusters in specific settings.  

While Knox Public Health will no longer contact individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19, CDC  guidelines remain in effect for all positive cases. Those guidelines include isolating for five days from symptom onset or test date if asymptomatic, or until symptoms improve; and continuing to wear a mask around others  for an additional five days. Documentation to return to work should be requested from the test site providing the test results or a primary care physician. 

Knox Public Health stresses that vaccination remains the first line of defense from becoming seriously ill from  COVID-19. Knox Public Health offers COVID-19 vaccine for both adults and children by appointment at the Community Health Center. Rapid COVID-19 drive-up testing is also available by appointment. Contact the Community Health Center for both vaccination and testing appointments by calling 740-399-8008. 

As COVID-19 continues to evolve, Knox Public Health reminds local residents to practice the following actions to keep themselves and the community safe: if you are sick, stay home; if you suspect you have COVID-19, get tested and follow CDC guidelines; wear a mask when in public places; wash your hands often; practice social distancing; and avoid large gatherings. 

Knox Public Health will continue to update local data on a weekly basis each Thursday at