Pharmacy at KCH has finally expanded.

Health & Wellness

Kch pharmacy

The pharmacy is on the third floor of the main hospital. | Submitted

For several months, Knox Community Hospital has undergone an extensive renovation that includes moving the pharmacy from the first floor to the third. 

While there were several reasons to expand, Robbi Jo Mitchell-Enderle, director of pharmacy, has long recognized the need for a meds-to-beds service for KCH patients.

“It’s so important for patients to get their medicine and pharmacy counseling before they go home,” Mitchell-Enderle said in a press release. “Too often, discharged patients forget to fill their prescriptions or delay getting them filled due to inconvenience. This can lead to complications and even hospital re-admission. There are many pieces that have to fit together to have a program like meds-to-beds, including facility expansion which is now complete. I am optimistic that we can launch our meds-to-beds service in January 2022.”

The second reason for expansion is to offer employees the benefit of having prescriptions filled internally. Not only will this be convenient, it will have a positive impact on the hospital’s employee benefit spending and on employee out-of-pocket prescription costs.

Finally, the pharmacy will be able to help patients and their families with convenient medicine pickup. This is especially helpful for emergency department patients seen during the evening hours. For more information, call 740-326-3485.

Hours: 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

The pharmacy is on the third floor of the main hospital.