Knox Public Health has posted a notice on vaccine availability that will be updated regularly as conditions change. Anyone 12 and older is eligible for the first two doses of the vaccine; third-dose Pfizer and Moderna vaccinations are currently available to immunocompromised individuals. The Health Department asks those who qualify to send an email to indicating name, age and phone number, unless they have done so already. Visit to check eligibility and available sites. For more information about COVID-19 vaccination in Knox County, call 740-399-8008.
WHEN: Ongoing
SNAP-Ed is now providing virtual programming to eligible audiences. Knox County SNAP-Ed staff member Tanner Cooper-Risser will be providing a virtual series called "Eating for the Health of it" with Opportunity Knox. Cooper-Risser will be discussing tips on making healthy food choices and ways to save money while still following a healthy lifestyle. Interested in joining or want to schedule a virtual program for your agency? Contact Tanner at or 740-326-5074 for more information.
WHERE: Online
WHEN: Thursdays, 9 a.m.
The Area Agency on Aging will offer a Matter of Balance class, an award-winning program designed to manage falls and increase activity levels. The Matter of Balance program emphasizes practical strategies to manage falls. Class participants will learn to view falls as controllable, set goals for increasing activity, make changes to reduce fall risks at home, and exercise to increase strength and balance. Anyone concerned about falls; anyone interested in improving balance, flexibility and strength; anyone who has fallen in the past; anyone who has restricted activities because of falling concerns – all are welcome. For more information on this program or to register to participate, call 567-247-6476.
WHEN: 10 a.m. - noon every Thursday through Sept. 9
Saturday, Aug. 21
Fredericktown Joe Cocanour Post 500 Pancake Breakfast. Cost: donation.
WHERE: Post 500 Legion House, 81 Mount Vernon Ave., Fredericktown
WHEN: 7-9 a.m.
Friday, Aug. 27
Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District board of directors meeting.
WHERE: Kent State University, Science and Technology Building, 330 University Drive NE, New Philadelphia, Ohio.
WHEN: 9 a.m.
Thursday, Sept. 2
Local Lodge 90, Cooper-Rolls-Siemens retirees breakfast.
WHERE: R&M Southside Diner
WHEN: 8 a.m.
Sunday, Oct. 24
The Monroe Township Fire Association will have its drive-thru chicken dinner; $10 per plate and you get barbecue chicken with potato salad, baked beans, roll and cookie. Monroe Township Fire Department is a volunteer department and uses the funds to help purchase necessary items. All proceeds stay with the department.
WHERE: Monroe Township Firehouse, 13980 Wooster Road, Mount Vernon
WHEN: Noon until sold out