Wayne Grange met for the first time in five months on Friday, March 19, at 7 p.m.
Master Jordan Miller called the meeting to order with ten members, one guest and one child present.
Legislative Chairperson Jordan Miller talked about having a virtual meeting to meet the new U. S. Secretary of Agriculture, Thomas J. Vilsack. He was appointed by President Biden and confirmed by the U. S Senate.
Margaret Ann Ruhl added to Miller's report with the legislative bills we are watching at the Ohio Congress. HB165 will create a limited time and scope, non-refundable tax rebate for retail sales of high-blend ethanol fuel, which uses corn in our E15 & E85.
HB122 is moving in the House of Representatives, which is the Telehealth Expansion and Protecting Ohio Patients. If passed, the legislation will enable flexibility for services to be rendered across state lines (as other states are able to perform in Ohio), in-person meeting stipulations and provide guidance for pandemic circumstances. It will allow for a broad, site-neutral definition of telehealth.
The last bill we are working on is HB135. This patient-driven legislation is desperately needed to help Ohio's families and patients meet the ever-growing out-of-pocket health care expenses that are mandated upon them. National Grange has an annual Legislative Fly-In, and this year it will be a virtual one on April 7 from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Treasurer David Dalrymple reported that we made $875 at the community farmers market last year to be used for community support. A motion was made to use $288 for the Fredericktown 3rd-graders' dictionary books, with the motion passing. Community Activities Chairperson Margaret Ann Ruhl passed out papers to use for voting on what other nonprofits to give our money to. Results will be given at the next meeting.
Dee Smith, Pop Committee reported that the Knox County Fair is to go as usual this year with some modifications. Fair booth displays are to be put up on Thursday, July 22, from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Removal of the booth displays will be Sunday, Aug. 1, from 8 a.m. to noon. The Pop Committee will be working soon to get out schedules for the upcoming fair.
All the members were to vote on the Ohio State Grange delegates to the next convention. Nominees are Will Smith, Ned Campbell, Lonnie Totten and Etta Arnholt. Results from all granges will be reported at Knox County Pomona Grange. Reminder that the month of April is National Grange Month.
Belinda Litt reported that the Wayne Grange Women's Auxiliary is not meeting yet. We will be waiting until more have the vaccinations and the ladies feel more comfortable getting together.
Jordan Miller reported that the county and state dartball tournaments have been canceled. The thought is that perhaps the league could play some this summer to be ready for next season.
Ohio State Grange Legislative Director Margaret Ann Ruhl presented awards to Matt Moore for State Teacher of the Year for 2020, and Skip and Beverly Edwards for Ohio Grangers of the Year for 2020. Wayne Grange received a Spotlight Community Service Project award for the selling of baked goods at the Fredericktown Farmers Market.
Lecturer Dee Smith had a reading of "Walking the Plow" for the program. She reminded us that our next meeting will be inspection on Friday, April 16, starting at 7 p.m. All are asked to wear their grange t-shirts with jeans. We will try to have a 2nd degree. The meeting will also be our baking contest and all are expected to bring an entry or two with the recipes in the September/October Ohio Grange Magazine.
Knox County Pomona Grange will be inspection at 7 p.m. on April 19 at Morgan Grange. Rural Life Sunday will be at Greer Wesleyan Church on May 2 at 2 p.m., but all are welcome to Sunday School at 9:30 a.m., church services at 10:30 a.m. and luncheon at 1 p.m.
Updates on some of our members: Skip Edwards is having some medical problems in which the doctors do not know what is going on; Mary Braddock had COVID-19 and is back at the Living Center in Mount Vernon; John Beutel had COVID-19 and is doing better, and same with his wife, Mary Beutel; Elaine Hillier is doing well but was not ready to come back to grange yet; and Esther Balcom is at the Ohio Eastern Star Home and is missing seeing people in person, but she is doing well as she had lunch with Joann Burch.
The next meeting will be Friday, April 16, 2021, at Wayne Grange starting at 7 p.m. and will be our annual inspection and baking contest.
Submitted by Margaret Ann Ruhl, reporter