Help available for Knox County residents behind on housing payments due to COVID-19


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Help is available for Knox County residents needing assistance paying late mortgage, rent or water and sewer bills. | Karolina Grabowska/Pexels

For Knox County residents who are behind on their rent, mortgage payments, or water and sewer bill because of COVID-19, help is available through the Ohio nonprofit group Kno-Ho-Co-Ashland.

Home Relief Grants are funded through the Ohio Development Services Agency and are funded by the federal CARES Act; Pam Wright, community services administrator for Kno-Ho-Co Ashland, said. In order to qualify, you must have been impacted by COVID-19.

“This could be through job loss, furlough, reduced hours, quarantine, a COVID diagnosis in the household, “ she said.

Household income must be at or below 200% of the federal poverty level, which for a family would of four amounts to $4,306, Wright explained.

Rent or mortgage payments can be paid as far back as April, as long as you have not received assistance for the same month through another program, she said. The assistance is a grant, not a loan.

There is no cap on the amount that you can receive, and December payments can also be included, Wright said.

The application process involves providing income verification for the last 30 days for all household members; as well as Social Security numbers, an eviction notice from the landlord or past-due mortgage notice from the bank, or a water/sewer disconnection notice. Photo identification is also required for the primary applicant as well as proof of U.S. citizenship for all household members.

“There is a checklist that we go over with folks when they call in and inquire about the program,” Wright said. “It’s not overly complicated.”

Call 397-0378 for more information.

“Folks who think they may be eligible can call and speak with one of our case managers who will do a preliminary interview with them— see what their needs are and see what programs they may qualify for,” Wright said. “We send out an application packet. They fill that out, drop it off at our drobox and then their application is processed.”

The program runs only through the end of December.

Payments are made directly to the landlord, mortgage company or utility company.

Applicants may also qualify through Kno-Ho-Co-Ashland for help paying winter gas or electric bills, Wright said.

You can learn more about the program at the Kno-Ho-Co-Ashland website.