Knox County Nov. 3 election results; Trump wins overwhelmingly with local voters


Webp vote 13

Unofficial election results show President Donald J. Trump was far more popular in Knox County than Democratic Party challenger, former Vice President Joe Biden.

Trump received 21,825 votes to 8,433 for Joe Biden. 

Trump won Ohio with 53% of the vote.

Votes are still being tallied by the Ohio Secretary of State, but Knox County's totals are in. 

Click here to see on the state's unofficial vote tracker. 

See full election results for Knox County below:

Brinkhaven Village

APPROVED - Proposed Tax Levy (Additional)

YES - 30 votes, 53.6%

NO - 26 votes, 46.4% 

An additional tax for the benefit of Brinkhaven Village for the purpose of providing for current expenses at a rate not exceeding 2 mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to $0.20 for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for 5 years, commencing in 2020, first due in calendar year 2021.

Centerburg Village

TBD - Proposed Tax Levy (Replacement With Increase)

Central Ohio Joint Fire District

(Also on the ballot for Hilliar Township and Milford Township)

A replacement of 2.925 mills of an existing levy and an increase of 3 mills to constitute a tax for the benefit of Central Ohio Joint Fire District for the purpose of providing fire protection and emergency medical services at a rate not exceeding 5.925 mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to $0.5925 for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for 4 years, commencing in 2021, first due in calendar year 2022.

Fredericktown Village

APPROVED - Proposed Tax Levy (Renewal)

YES - 904 votes, 71.1% for

NO - 367 votes, 28.9% against 

A renewal of a tax for the benefit of Fredericktown Village for the purpose of providing police protection services at a rate not exceeding 3 mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to $0.30 for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for 5 years, commencing in 2021, first due in calendar year 2022.

APPROVED - Proposed Tax Levy (Renewal)

YES - 3,175 votes, 71.3% for

NO - 1,277 votes, 28.7% against

Fredericktown Community Fire District 

(Also on the ballot for residents of Berlin Township, Middlebury Township, Morris Township, Pike Township and Wayne Township)

A renewal of a tax for the benefit of Fredericktown Community Fire District for the purpose of providing fire protection services at a rate not exceeding 1 mill for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to $0.10 for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for 5 years, commencing in 2021, first due in calendar year 2022.

APPROVED - Proposed Tax Levy (Additional)

YES - 2,780 votes, 62.7%

NO- 1,654 votes, 37.3% - Against 

APPROVED - Fredericktown Community Joint Ambulance District 

Yes - 2,780 votes, 63%

No - 1,564 votes, 37%

(Also on the ballot for residents of Berlin Township, Middlebury Township, Morris Township, Pike Township and Wayne Township)

An additional tax for the benefit of Fredericktown Community Joint Ambulance District for the purpose of providing ambulance and emergency medical services at a rate not exceeding 1 mill for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to $0.10 for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for a continuing period of time, commencing in 2020, first due in calendar year 2021.

Morgan Township

APPROVED - Proposed Tax Levy (Renewal)

Yes - 449 votes, 72.7%

No - 169 votes, 27.3%

A renewal of a tax for the benefit of Morgan Township for the purpose of providing fire protection and emergency medical services at a rate not exceeding 1.5 mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to $0.15 for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for 5 years, commencing in 2020, first due in calendar year 2021.

APPROVED - Proposed Tax Levy (Renewal)

Yes - 460 votes, 74%

No - 162 votes, 26%

A renewal of a tax for the benefit of Morgan Township for the purpose of providing ambulance and emergency medical services or both, at a rate not exceeding 1.75 mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to $0.175 for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for 3 years, commencing in 2020, first due in calendar year 2021

College Township

APPROVED - Tax Levy (Additional)

Yes - 719 votes, 81.7%

No - 161 votes, 18.3%

An additional tax for the benefit of College Township for the purpose of providing fire protection and emergency medical services at a rate not exceeding 6 mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to $0.60 for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for 5 years, commencing in 2020, first due in calendar year 2021.

Liberty Township

APPROVED - Proposed Tax Levy (Replacement and Decrease)

Yes - 677 votes, 68.5%

No - 311 votes, 31.5%

A replacement of a portion of an existing levy, being a reduction of 0.1 mill to constitute a tax for the benefit of Liberty Township for the purpose of providing fire protection and emergency medical services at a rate not exceeding 4.4 mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to $0.44 for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for 5 years, commencing in 2021, first due in calendar year 2022.

The following candidates ran for office:

Representative to Congress (7th District)

WINNER - Bob Gibbs (Republican)

237,246 votes, 67.5% (Knox County 21,340, 72%)

LOSER - Brandon Lape (Libertarian)

11,205 votes, 3.3% (Knox County 1,294 votes, 4%)

LOSER - Quentin Potter (Democratic)

100,027 votes, 67.5% (Knox County 7,134 votes, 24%)

State Representative (68th District)

WINNER - Rick Carfagna (Republican)

47,656 votes, 67.8% (Knox County 22,042 votes, 74%)

Steven F. Mount (Democratic)

22,596 votes, 32.2% (Knox County 7,595 votes, 26%)

County Commissioner (Full term commencing 1‐2‐2021)

WINNER (Unopposed) - Teresa Bemiller (Republican)

County Commissioner (Full term commencing 1‐3‐2021)

WINNER (Unopposed) - Thom Collier (Republican)

Prosecuting Attorney

WINNER (Unopposed) - Chip McConville (Republican)

Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas

WINNER (Unopposed) - Christy Milligan Staton


WINNER (Unopposed) - David Shaffer (Republican)

County Recorder

WINNER (Unopposed) - John Burke Lybarger (Republican)

County Treasurer

WINNER (Unopposed) - Shelley Coon (Republican)

County Engineer

WINNER (Unopposed) - Cameron Keaton (Republican)


WINNER (Unopposed) - Jennifer Ogle (Republican)

State Board of Education

(6th District)

WINNER - Antoinette Miranda

283,590 votes, 62.52% (Knox County 8,805 votes, 38.52%)

Alice Nicks

170,007 votes, 37.48% (Knox County 14,054, 61.48%) 

Justice of the Supreme Court 

(Full term commencing 1‐1‐2021)

WINNER - Sharon L. Kennedy

2,667,548 votes, 55.1% (Knox County 15,988 votes, 62.1%)

LOSER - John P. O'Donnell

2,177,003 VOTES, 44.9% (Knox County 9,741, 37.9%) 

Justice of the Supreme Court

(Full term commencing 1‐2‐2021)

WINNER - Jennifer Brunner

2,624,224 votes, 55.2%  (Knox County 11,929 votes, 47.8%)

LOSER - Judi French

2,125,979 votes, 44.8% (Knox County 13.039 votes, 47.8%)

Judge of the Court of Appeals (5th District)

(Full term commencing 2‐9‐2021)

LOSER - Jeff Furr

224,973, 38.94% (Knox County 10,969 votes, 46.97%)

WINNER - William B. Hoffman

352,815 votes, 61.06% (Knox County 12,383 votes, 53.03%)

Judge of the Court of Common Pleas

(Full term commencing 2‐9‐2021)

WINNER (Unopposed) - Jay W. Nixon