Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

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Letters to the editor. | Stock photo

To the editor

A BLM person took time from his rioting and looting duties in Portland, Oregon, to talk to a TV reporter last week. He said America was built on the backs of slaves. 

What? Before the Civil War, eleven states in the South relied heavily on slave labor. Twenty Northern states wanted to keep the union together and later also fought to end slavery. 

During the war on Jan. 1, 1863, the Emancipation Proclamation freed all slaves. When the war was over, heavily damaged towns, cities and battlefields were repaired without slaves. 

Later, nineteen new states joined the Union, and Americans of all races worked to build the best, strongest, and envied nation the world has ever known. Slavery is hated and to assert otherwise is ridiculous. For the last 157 years America has been the land of the free, regardless of what BLM asserts. 

Chuck Reed

Mount Vernon

To the editor

In response to the Mark Mix op-ed of Sept. 5, 2020: 

Without forced membership fees, the fund is often depleted by non-members employees. Membership fees are used in disputes between companies and employees. Fund depletion is often a tactic to destroy unions. These unions are often the only defense against predatory practices of certain corporations. 

C. David Hissong Jr.

Mount Vernon, Ohio

To the editor

Well, We are God’s Children

We are supposed to be creative. It is time for us to do something about the WORLD PROBLEM. We must first realize that “GOOD” is more “powerful” than “EVIL.” Then we must undividedly rise to the CHALLENGE. Each must say “I will Be God’s [Man?]” or “I will Be God’s Woman” and I will put a healthy Spiritual Safe against the Evil of our time. 

With enough people doing that, we would see the DAWN OF A GOLDEN AGE. 


The last 3 letters in “American” is I CAN! 

Betty Stage

Mount Vernon, OH