Will the impeachment hearings affect your vote in 2020?

“No because it’s been going on for a long time.”

Jim, Howard

“No. The Democrats are just after someone, someway to win. They have no chance of winning if Trump is in there so they are just looking for a way to get them pushed up there.”

Jim Moxley, Mount Vernon

“No. It’s just how I feel.”

Bill Durst, Mount Vernon

“Probably will not. I’m fairly, staunchly anti-Trump. Either way it works out, I’m definitely voting Democrat and that’s has more to do with who ends up at the top of the pack.”

Jean Wright, Mount Vernon

“I’m voting for Trump. 100 percent Trump. I think Trump’s doing a great job if you ask me.”

Judy Masters, Warsaw

“No. I hate Trump. So (I’ll vote for) anybody but Trump.”

Nancy Mathews, Mount Vernon