KCCC hires new principal

MOUNT VERNON — The Knox County Career Center will welcome a new high school principal this August.

The board of education formally approved a one-year administrative contract for James Riggle at its meeting Thursday. Riggle worked as a math teacher at KCCC for six years, then as career tech director at Madison Comprehensive High School for 13 years.

“Jim has all of the experiences and skill sets we are looking for in an administrator. We are very happy to have him join our team,” said Kathy Greenich.

Greenich said that Riggle will be in charge of student discipline, academics and career-based intervention.

Meanwhile, high school principal John Feltman will be retiring after 15 years at KCCC.

In other business, the board heard a presentation from Dana Phillips, coordinator and instructor for the Public Safety programs at Knox Technical Center. Phillips reported that students in three of the four public safety programs are exceeding national pass rates. The EMT Basic pass rate at KTC is 90 percent (versus the 79 percent national average), the EMT Advanced pass rate is the highest in the state at 92 percent (versus the 76 percent national average) and the Firefighter I pass rate is at 95 percent (versus the 84 percent national average).

Treasurer Tracy Elliott told the board that for the first time since 2012, the district’s revenues exceed expenses for the school year. She also said that enrollment is up at both KCCC and KTC.

The board formally accepted the following contributions: a $15,000 grant from the Gene Haas Foundation to the Precision Machining program, a donation of $500 from Town and Country Garden Club to the Landscape Design and Management program for the purchase of software, and a $1,500 donation from AMVETS for the AFJROTC program.