Regional Planning Commission: Thumbs up to 1 change, down to other

MOUNT VERNON — The Knox County Regional Planning Commission Thursday voted to recommend approval of a zoning change in Hilliar Township, but recommended denial of one in Milford Township. Both votes were unanimous.

In Milford Township, Katie and Ida Bontrager requested the rezoning of a newly-created two-acre parcel at 8525 Bishop Road from Agriculture to B-1 (Commercial) to allow the establishment of a variety store next to a residence which is under construction. The store would, according to what a land use committee member reported, sell bulk foods, fabric and sewing needs and toys and games.

The report from the Land Use Committee noted that there are only two parcels within a mile of the site that are zoned commercial and they are in Liberty Township. All neighboring parcels are zoned Agricultural and are used for farming or residences and there are no commercially-zoned areas in Milford Township.

The site is not served by public sewer or water, but the planned septic system has reportedly been approved by the Heath Department.

The committee report also noted that in the 2012 update of the Knox County Comprehensive Plan, township trustees and planning commissions were asked to identify areas of their township where commercial development would be preferred, but no areas were ever identified by Milford Township officials.

Instead of the commercial rezoning, the committee recommended the township explore the possibility of a conditional use permit.

In Hilliar Township, the commission voted to recommend approval of the rezoning of a 5.176-acre site at 3275 Columbus Road from R-1 (Residential) to GB (General Business). It is currently a vacant field. The site adjoins the Centerburg Airport, which is zoned GB, and applicants John and Deborah See plan to build additional airplane hangars to augment his aviation instruction and repair business.

The site is not served by public sewer or water utilities, but a Delco water line runs along Columbus Road. The nearest sewer line is two miles to the east, near Centerburg.

The May 16 meeting of the Regional Planning Commission will take place at 6 p.m. at the Brown Family Environmental Center on Laymon Road. The business meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. following a program and tour of the facility.
