What do you think of proposed changes to Public Square, such as narrowed traffic lanes and eliminating angled parking?

“I don’t think it’s a good idea. You can walk around here now, why have more area? And during festivals, they close everything anyway. If they do it anyway, they have too much money.”

Peter Streiber, Mount Vernon

“It’s fine the way it is — if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it. Angled parking is better for older people compared with parallel parking.”

Mike Reed, Mount Vernon

“I agree with making it more pedestrian friendly. It’s also scary to back out of parking spaces and to walk downtown with children.”

Jack Russell, Mount Gilead

“No, I don’t like it. It would just make it harder for trucks to get through town. There’s a lot of traffic, but it moves well around the square now. I walk a lot, but I haven’t had anyone try to run me over on the square.”

Christine Mawer, Mount Vernon

“I don’t think much of it. I like things the way they are.”

Dan Baker Sr., Mount Vernon

“Eliminate parking on the square? You want to see all these people put out of business?”

Bill Ferguson, Mount Vernon