Ohio State University Extension offers safety classes for Knox County teen traffic violators

Kids & Families

Young woman driving car 1200

Traffic safety classes for first time teen traffic offenders are offered in Knox County. | Pixabay

Ohio State University (OSU) Extension will offer traffic safety classes for teen traffic offenders in Knox County starting Thursday, Aug. 6.

OSU Extension has "repeatedly identified teen vehicular safety as a priority need in Ohio’s communities," a release issued on the Extension website said. The 4-H CARTEENS vehicular safety program was created to meet that need. 

The program's goals are to raise teens' awareness of vehicle and traffic safety while reducing the number of both first-time and repeat juvenile traffic offenders. In Knox County six teens, five adults, and a number of law enforcement officers voluntarily participate in the program.

"CARTEENS program topics include excessive speed, driving under the influence, seat belt safety use, consequences of unsafe decisions, dealing with peer pressure, understanding traffic laws, and recognizing and reacting to traffic signs and signals," a release issued on the Ohio 4-H Youth Development website said. Teens registered in the program usually have been ticketed for speeding, running stop signs, reckless driving, or other similar violations.

The first class will be held Aug. 6 in the conference room at 1025 Harcourt Road in Mount Vernon. Registration is at 5 p.m. with classes beginning at 5:30 p.m.

For the 2020 CARTEENS class schedule, click here.