Knox County Dog Warden Brian Biggerstaff reported that 40 dogs entered the county's dog shelter in February. Of these, 12 were surrenders, 19 were strays, eight were seized or custody dogs, and one was a return.
According to a YouTube recording of the March 20 Knox County Board of Commissioners meeting, Biggerstaff said that 35 dogs left the shelter last month. He detailed that 13 of these dogs were adopted, 17 were returned to their owners, two were transferred out, and three were euthanized.
"It should be noted that all three dogs that were euthanized in February were at the owner's request due to the dogs being aggressive or having a history," Biggerstaff said.
Biggerstaff further explained that as of March 19, the shelter held 23 dogs. Of these, 20 were available for adoption or had been adopted but awaited spaying or neutering before going home. He noted that nine dogs had been at the shelter for more than 60 days.
In addition to these updates, Biggerstaff reported that deputy dog wardens issued four citations for failure to register, two citations for failure to license, four citations for failure to confine, and one misdemeanor charge.
Biggerstaff confirmed during the meeting that the WAGS program continues every other Saturday with middle school students reading to the dogs. He praised the volunteer staff who walk and visit with the animals. The Dogs of Knox Foundation and Friends of the Knox County Animal Shelter contribute by donating towards medical expenses and sponsoring training for adopted dogs. The shelter also accepts donations of dog food during open hours from Monday through Saturday.