The Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) has approved over $52 million in funding for new infrastructure projects. This decision was made during the commission's monthly meeting on Thursday.
"MORPC received approximately $160 million in funding requests for new transportation projects from across the region. The Attributable Funding Committee worked collaboratively to identify the projects with the greatest regional impact for these limited resources," said MORPC Principal Planner Tom Graham.
The funds will be allocated to seven projects, including a multi-use path on East Broad Capital Trail in Columbus and intersection improvements at Trabue Road and Walcutt Road, also in Columbus. Other projects include a new bridge over I-270 in Dublin and an overpass over I-71 in Grove City.
Every two years, MORPC solicits project proposals for federal transportation funding within its planning area, which covers several counties and townships. Eligible projects include highway improvements, public transit, bikeways, pedestrian facilities, bridges, and traffic signal upgrades.
In addition to these new commitments, MORPC reaffirmed funding for 41 previously approved projects and programs. This brings the total future funding to more than $340 million.
"MORPC is working closely with Central Ohio communities to invest in critical infrastructure projects. The $52 million commitment will enhance the multimodal transportation network, promote walkable and bikeable neighborhoods, and will enhance roadway safety," said Parag Agrawal, MORPC’s Chief Mobility and Development Officer.
The adopted funding commitments will be incorporated into the SFY 2026-2029 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), which lists federally funded projects scheduled for implementation or development within a four-year period.
For further details on funded projects or to request a copy of the listing of funding commitments, contact MORPC at (614) 228-2663 or visit their website. Questions about funded projects can be directed to Thomas Graham via email at
Information from this article can be found here.