In theCourt of Common Pleas of Knox County, Ohio, Case No. 23BOR07-0218, Shelley Coon, Knox County Treasurer Plaintiff, v. Arsene and Mary Pierre,, et al., Defendants. Whereas, judgment has been rendered against certain parcels of real property for taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, interest and costs as follows: Permanent Parcel No. 33-01133.000, commonly known as 0 Floral Valley East, Howard, OH 43028 situated in the Township of Howard, County of Knox, and being Lot #133 in the Floral Valley Section, Apple Valley Subdivision. The last known owners are Arsene and Mary Pierre, of 14017 Sycamore Drive, Marysville, Ohio 43040. The total amount of the judgment is Three Thousand Two Hundred Ninety Dollars and 96/100 ($3,290.96).
Whereas such judgment orders such real property to be sold or otherwise disposed of according to law by the undersigned to satisfy the total amount of such judgment. Now, therefore, public notice is hereby given that I, Daniel J. Weckesser, Sheriff of Knox County, Ohio, will either dispose of such property according to law or sell such real property at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder of an amount that equals the greater of the judgment or the Knox County Auditor's Fair Market Value of the property, which is Five Thou sand Five Hundred Seventy Dollars and 00/100 ($5,570.00) plus the costs of the proceedings. Accordingly, the minimum bid shall be Seven Thousand Seventy Dollars and 00/100 ($7,070.00).
The Sheriff’s Sale will be an online auction held at at 10:00 A.M. on April 11, 2025. If any parcel does not receive a sufficient bid, or is not otherwise disposed of according to law, it may be offered for sale under the same terms and conditions on the same website on April 25, 2025, for an amount that equals the greater of the judgment or the Knox County Auditor's Fair Market Value of the property, which is Five Thousand Five Hundred Seventy Dollars and 00/100 ($5,570.00) plus the costs of the proceedings. Accordingly, the minimum bid shall be Seven Thousand Seventy Dollars and 00/100 ($7,070.00).
Terms: 10% of purchase price but not less than $500.00 on day of sale with balance in 30 days or upon receipt of Sheriff's Deed, whichever is later. Payment method is check, money order or bank check only.
Daniel J. Weckesser
Knox County Sheriff
Tonia R. Pever
Assistant Prosecuting Attorney
117E.HighSt., Suite 234
Mount Vernon, OH 43050
Contact Treasurer At: 740-393-6735
March 8, 2025