The Public Library of Mount Vernon and Knox County will host a special presentation titled More than a Hoarder: Osborn Oldroyd and the Memory of Abraham Lincoln.
The event, scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 19, at 6:30 p.m. in the library’s Multipurpose Room, will explore Osborn H. Oldroyd’s unique legacy and how he helped shape the public memory of Lincoln.
Oldroyd is a Civil War veteran, a passionate patriot, and the world’s first collector of Abraham Lincoln memorabilia. The presentation will examine Oldroyd’s life, from his military service to his role as a showman and museum curator.
This free event will be a fascinating journey into the past, shedding light on a forgotten figure who played a key role in shaping Lincoln’s enduring legacy. Those interested in local history, museum curation, or the ethics of historical preservation won’t want to miss it.
For more information, call (740) 392-BOOK.