Mount Vernon to consider rezoning request to allow multi-dwelling units on South Main parcels

Local Government

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Council member Amber Keener | City of Mount Vernon

The Mount Vernon City Council is set to conduct a public hearing regarding a zoning amendment request. The proposal, submitted by the owner of four parcels on South Main Street, seeks permission to construct duplexes, triplexes, or fourplexes on the property. A maximum of eight units could be accommodated.

According to minutes from the Municipal Planning Commission's November meeting, Joseph Updike is requesting that his parcels north of Adamson Street be rezoned to R-3. This zoning classification permits structures with three or more dwelling units, as well as duplexes and single-family units. The distinction between R-3 and R-4 zoning districts lies in the density allowed. The size of the property makes R-3 suitable for this development.

Updike presented four options for his property during the meeting. Option 1 involves constructing two triplexes with single-car attached garages, with parking situated between the structures. The entrance would be placed on Adamson Street parallel to a platted alley in the rear setback, allowing neighboring properties continued access to their driveways via the alley. Option 2 proposes two fourplexes similar to those near Mount Vernon High School Stadium on South Division Street. Option 3 envisions two fourplexes with two units up and two units down each. Option 4 suggests two triplexes totaling six units.

The minutes indicated that Commissioner Anne Ellsworth concurred with Mayor Matt Starr that this proposal could serve as a buffer for residential properties east of the site from industrial businesses and a drive-thru located across South Main Street.

Starr also noted that rezoning could align with housing options outlined in the city's strategic plan and comprehensive vision for all neighborhoods.

According to the meeting's public notice, the public hearing is scheduled for 6:55 p.m. on Monday, February 24, at Council Chambers in Mount Vernon City Hall, located at 40 Public Square.