Men’s Tennis Swept at No. 24 Marian, Grace College

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The doubles team of Matthew Sanders and Blake Boyer fell in matches against the Marian Knights and the Grace College Lancers. | MVNU

The Mount Vernon Nazarene University men’s tennis team opened its season with Crossroads League play but lost its first two matches against the Marian Knights and the Grace College Lancers.

The Cougars traveled to Marian University on Sept. 5, only to be swept 0-7 by the No. 24 ranked Knights.

Results of doubled matches were: Bartolome / Garcia-Tuñon (Marian) def. Andrew Hare / Zane Menzie (MVNU) 6-2; Al Tori / Blumentritt (Marian) def. Matt Easter / Noah Hill (MVNU) 6-0; and Sternberg / O'Brien (Marian) def. Blake Boyer / Matthew Sanders (MVNU) 6-0.

The singles results were: Garcia-Tuñon (Marian) def. Hare (MVNU) (6-0, 6-0); Bartolome (Marian) def. Easter (MVNU) (6-0, 6-0); Al Tori (Marian) def. Menzie (MVNU) (6-0, 6-1); Sternberg (Marian) def. Boyer (MVNU) (6-0, 6-0); O’Brien (Marian) def. Hill (MVNU) (6-0, 6-0); and Blumentritt (Marian) def. Lucas Gray (6-0, 6-0).

 MVNU next played at Grace College on Sept. 7, but they fell to their Crossroads League opponents, 0-7.

Results of doubled matches were: Gregori/Rahine def. Andrew Hare/Zane Menzie, 6-0; A. Pons/Cordoba def. Noah Hill/Matt Easter, 6-0; and Garcia/Gibson def. Matthew Sanders/Blake Boyer, 6-0.

The singles match results were: Gregori def. Hare, 6-0, 6-0; Pons def. Easter, 6-0, 6-0 Cordoba def. Menzie, 6-0, 6-0; Rahine def. Hill, 6-0, 6-0; Marques def. Boyer, 6-2, 6-0; and Misura def. Ryan Almovodar, 6-0, 6-0

MVNU’s first home match of the season was scheduled against Indiana Wesleyan University at 1 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 9.