KCSO calls for service, Aug. 24

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KCSO calls for service on Aug. 24.

CFS Date/TimeDescription Street Name City Descriptions
08/24/24 0:13:13Suspicious PersonOLD DELAWARE RDMOUNT VERNONGone On Arrival (GOA)/Unable to
08/24/24 1:47:45Suspicious VehicleMILLERSBURG RDHOWARDHandled By Officer / Deputy/ FD
08/24/24 2:01:24Traffic StopCOLUMBUS RDMOUNT VERNONCitation Issued (Verbal Or Written)
08/24/24 2:52:08Traffic StopCOLUMBUS RDMT VERNONWarning Ticket Issued
08/24/24 2:57:41InformationMILLSTONE LNMOUNT VERNONAssignment Completed/Settled by
08/24/24 4:08:50Prisoner TransportMOUNT GILEAD RDFREDERICKTOWNTransport/Escort Given
08/24/24 4:11:31Traffic StopCOSHOCTON AVEMOUNT VERNONVerbal Warning on Equipment
08/24/24 5:05:05Shots FiredNEW GAMBIER RDMOUNT VERNONReport Taken
08/24/24 6:12:07Traffic StopCOSHOCTON AVEMT VERNONVerbal Warning on Operation
08/24/24 6:49:17Traffic StopHARCOURT RDMOUNT VERNONVerbal Warning on Operation
08/24/24 7:05:38Disabled Vehicle (DAV)CASSELL RDFREDERICKTOWNHandled By Officer / Deputy/ FD
08/24/24 7:25:48Disabled Vehicle (DAV)HOPEWELL RDMOUNT VERNONHandled By Officer / Deputy/ FD
08/24/24 7:26:37Disabled Vehicle (DAV)DANVILLE-JELLOWAYDANVILLEHandled By Officer / Deputy/ FD
08/24/24 9:48:55VandalismQUARRY CHAPEL RDGAMBIERHandled By Officer / Deputy/ FD
08/24/24 11:14:42MentalWOOSTER RDMOUNT VERNONAssistance
08/24/24 12:17:25Follow Up InvestigationMCGIBNEY RDMOUNT VERNONGone On Arrival (GOA)/Unable to
08/24/24 13:10:49AnimalWOOSTER RDMOUNT VERNONHandled By Officer / Deputy/ FD
08/24/24 13:18:30VandalismMONROE MILLS RDGAMBIERHandled By Officer / Deputy/ FD
08/24/24 13:59:26Animal12654 NEWMOUNT VERNONReport Taken
08/24/24 14:38:10Investigate ComplaintLAYBELLE DRMOUNT VERNONAssignment Completed/Settled by
08/24/24 16:16:20Attempted/ThreateningWOOSTER RDMOUNT VERNONReport Taken
08/24/24 18:00:23Crash (Non Injury)GAMBIER RDMOUNT VERNONReport Taken
08/24/24 19:06:19911 Hang Up/MisuseHAZEL DELL RDHOWARDHandled By Officer / Deputy/ FD
08/24/24 19:25:52911 Hang Up/MisuseHOPEWELL RDGAMBIERHandled By Officer / Deputy/ FD
08/24/24 20:06:03Traffic ComplaintDARLENE STCENTERBURGGone On Arrival (GOA)/Unable to
08/24/24 21:03:44Traffic StopUPPER GILCHRIST RDMT VERNONVerbal Warning on Operation
08/24/24 21:07:46Traffic StopW MAIN STCENTERBURGVerbal Warning on Operation
08/24/24 21:09:10DisturbanceQUARRY CHAPEL RDGAMBIERGone On Arrival (GOA)/Unable to
08/24/24 21:50:18Traffic StopMOUNT VERNON AVEMOUNT VERNONVerbal Warning on Operation
08/24/24 22:10:55TrespassingPLUM STDANVILLEHandled By Officer / Deputy/ FD
08/24/24 23:42:33DisturbanceAPPLE VALLEY DRHOWARDHandled By Officer / Deputy/ FD
08/24/24 23:58:39DisturbanceCOSHOCTON RDHOWARDHandled By Officer / Deputy/ FD
Total Records: 32