Knox Community Hospital recognizes National Doctors’ Day

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Knox Community Hospital recognizes National Doctors’ Day. | Knox Community Hospital

Knox Community Hospital joins the healthcare community on March 30 in celebrating National Doctors’ Day, a day set aside to honor the exceptional commitment and care provided by America’s physicians. It is a time to reflect on the essential role doctors play in healing and sustaining our community’s health.

KCH witnesses firsthand the impact these professionals have in diverse medical settings, delivering critical care under challenging circumstances. Doctors’ Day stands as a heartfelt tribute to the medical professionals who dedicate their lives to improving patient health. In Knox County and beyond, we’ve seen the difference that skilled, compassionate physicians can make.

“We encourage our patients, healthcare professionals, and the communities we serve to join us in showing appreciation for the remarkable dedication and service of physicians. Let’s make National Doctors’ Day a time to recognize their invaluable contributions to health and healing,” stated Christine Ingram, Vice President for Physician Services at KCH. Throughout the month, please take a moment to thank a doctor who has made an impact on your health.

National Doctors Day is observed on March 30th each year to honor the contributions of physicians across the country. The day was officially designated in 1990 by President George H.W. Bush, but its origins trace back to its initial observance on March 30, 1933. The chosen date celebrates the first use of general anesthesia in surgery by Dr. Crawford W. Long in 1842.