Northridge FFA Middle Schoolers Compete in Middle School CDES

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Northridge FFA Middle Schoolers Compete in Middle School CDES | Olivia Bird

The Northridge FFA chapter recently had 6 of our middle school members compete in their first ever CDE at the Ohio State Fairgrounds on November 30th, 2023. Khloe Angus, Ava Caldrone, Mason Moss, and Aubrey Thompson participated in the Impact of Agriculture CDE where they wrote a speech/presentation on the impact of agriculture to the United States and placed 12th out of 16. Justin Grandstaff and Parker Sager took part in Career Conversations CDE where they too placed in their ability to talk to a person about their career. Justin chose the career of being a Farrier and placed 14th in his room and Parker picked technician where he placed 5th in his room. This trip was very educational and quite the first experience for these new members. The day's hard work ended with some time spent with each other at lunch. What a great day to be in FFA!