Omni Fiber plans $8 million fiber optic network for Mount Vernon


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Mount Vernon City Councilmember Mel Severns | Mel Severns


Omni Fiber told Mount Vernon City Council that it plans to install an $8 million fiber optic network in the city. The proposed project is expected to offer residents and businesses high-speed broadband access without any cost to the city.

The project's funding details were communicated during a recent City Council meeting.
Bryant McAfee told the City Council on Oct. 23 that Omni Fiber is privately funded and the fiber optic network will not cost Mount Vernon anything, according to the Streets and Public Buildings Committee Meeting minutes attached to the Nov. 13 City Council draft minutes.

Additionally, information about project timeline was shared.
Installation of the fiber optic network was to begin this month, according to the Streets and Public Buildings Committee Meeting minutes attached to the Nov. 13 City Council draft minutes. The first phase of the project is expected to go live by February 2023. Repair crews will typically be 30 to 40 minutes away, McAfee said.

Furthermore, Omni Fiber's broader expansion plans were unveiled in a press release.
Ohio-based Omni Fiber announced construction in 25 Ohio towns, including Mount Vernon, and 5 in Pennsylvania, according to a company press release. With the completion of the network, residents and businesses will have access to high-speed broadband with plans up to 2 Gbps, plus traditional and streaming TV options, and phone service.