Letter to the editor: 'As the war in Ukraine grinds on America needs to support the Ukrainian's fight for freedom against Russian aggression'


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Editor, Mount Vernon News 

As the war in Ukraine grinds on America needs to support the Ukrainian's fight for freedom against Russian aggression.

The outcome of this war will determine for the next century if democratic or totalitarian countries will prevail. America and our allies' contribution of arms and aid is a vital investment in deterring even more aggression by both Russia and China.

The attack on Ukraine by a thuggish brutal regime in Russia is a raw attempt to roll back democracy in Ukraine. The Ukrainians have shown they are willing to fight for their country.

Our military members lives and our tax dollars have often been wasted supporting "Allies" who would not even fight for their own freedom, but Ukraine is only asking for moral and material support, not our troops.

Politicians on the left and right who decry the spending are short-sighted and inviting aggression by opposing continued funding for Ukraine. History and personnel experience all tell us naked aggression can only be deterred by a united aggressive use of force in return.

My father's generation had to spend five years and hundreds of thousands of lives to defeat the aggression now seen in Ukraine. If we fail our children and grandchildren will pay the price.

Douglas Mclarnan, Gambier