MVNU launches Fairbanks Center for Global Engagement


Mvnu fairbankscenterforglobalengagement

Mount Vernon Nazarene University is proud to honor former president and first lady Dr. E. Lebron and Anne Fairbanks in the naming of the Fairbanks Center for Global Engagement. | MVNU

MOUNT VERNON – Mount Vernon Nazarene University publicly launched the Fairbanks Center for Global Engagement to alumni and friends during the Church of the Nazarene’s General Assembly in June.  

The Center, which is the first of its kind among the Nazarene universities, centralizes the university’s on-campus and off-campus engagement and provides unique opportunities for students to turn their academic pursuits into active service around the world.

Under the direction of Dr. Brenita Nicholas-Edwards, Assistant Vice President for Global Engagement, the Center creates opportunities for students not only to appreciate the complexity of global integrations but also to develop skills to navigate it successfully. Well-structured global learning practices – classroom experiences, co-curricular events on and off campus, study away, service learning, and community-engaged scholarship – help build cultural understanding and competence.

“Most MVNU students come to campus eager to make a difference in the world," Nicholas-Edwards said. "But if we really want to make a positive impact in the world, we first have to learn about it, equip ourselves with the skills and dispositions to work effectively in it, build relationships and serve throughout it, and develop compassion and passion for it."

Through three key strategies – on-campus engagement, off-campus engagement, and the distinctive service-learning Collaboratory – the Center ensures that global perspectives and opportunities to learn and serve locally, nationally and globally are woven into the fabric of the student experience as a strategic imperative for the University.  

Intentionally partnering with the Church of the Nazarene, the Center is building bridges from Mount Vernon to destinations throughout the world, creating a two-way street of engagement in all three key strategies.

“MVNU is the only school currently intentionally partnering with the global church at this level to help students across all disciplines play a meaningful part in ministry globally,” said Stephen Sickle, Global Coordinator of Partnerships and Work and Witness Initiatives for the Church of the Nazarene. “MVNU students and faculty are already serving alongside missionaries and regional leaders in places like Belize and Africa, among others, and many more connections like this are in the works. 

"I anticipate transformation in students, growth in the Church, and mutual encouragement between missionaries, students and local churches.”