FREDERICKTOWN – The Fredericktown Senior Citizens met on May 10, at 11:45 a.m. There were 30 members and guests present for the potluck luncheon. Prayer was given by Paul James and then the Pledge of Allegiance.
Kevin Henthorn, Veterans Service officer, was the guest speaker. Henthorn talked about the Veterans Service Office in Mount Vernon. They have been in the office for about three years. They are planning an open house on Monday, May 22, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Henthorn mentioned many services his office offers to veterans and spouses. Veterans present at the meeting were Denzsel Koppert, National Guard; Paul James, Army and Larry Ullman, Air Force. We thank all veterans for their service to our country.
Secretary’s minutes were read by Margaret Ann Ruhl and Belinda Litt. They were approved as read. Treasurer Phyllis Shira gave the treasurer's report and it was approved as read. Birthdays for the month of May are Ann Ullman and Larry Ullman. All sang Happy Birthday.
Deaths reported were Carolyn Seymour and Aileen Spearman. No anniversaries to report.
Old Business: Ruhl announced the trips you can sign up for are June 22 to the Cleveland Guardians baseball game; Sept. 21 to LaComedia for "Grumpy Old Men"; Oct. 18 to Stan Hywet House and Gardens then on to Hartville and lastly, Nov. 2 to LaComedia for "Miracle on 34th Street." New Business: Ruhl reported from the Area Agency on Aging services that are available – caregiver reimbursement; in-patient caregiver respite; helping elderly meet essential needs (including but not limited to new refrigerator, vacuums, washer, dryer, floor heater, air purifiers, mattress and stove); Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program, coupons to use at farmers markets and roadside stands and reminder to stay up to date on vaccines. Ruhl also reported from the special election results of the Sales & Use for 9-1-1 renewal passed, liquor permit and Sunday sales for the Fredericktown Event Center passed. Announcements: 2023 Senior Spring Extravaganza in Richland County was May 11 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. One senior citizen in the village reported at Riverside Methodist Hospital, but family asks no name, just prayers.
Litt ended the meeting with a joke. Next meeting is June 14 with Chief Tracy Myers as guest speaker.
Margaret Ann Ruhl, secretary