Morgan Grange hears informational talk on newly created County Line Fire District


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Master Will Smith presided over the monthly meeting of Morgan Grange with 20 members present. | Unsplash/RU Recovery Ministries

Master Will Smith presided over the monthly meeting of Morgan Grange with 20 members present. Roll call was taken and minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The opening song was "Kum Ba Yah."

Sam Parsons, a Washington Township trustee, gave an informational talk on the newly created fire district for the Utica village and townships of Morgan and Washington called County Line, of which he is the fire board president. Members were encouraged to ask questions and provide feedback.

Family Activities chairwoman Cindy Campbell gave an updated report on preparations and help needed to cater the two wedding receptions and the Utica Alumni Banquet in the month of June. Campbell announced that Knox County now has three Junior Grange members. The State Talent contest will be held at the Ohio State Grange office on June 17. Dee Smith gave a brief report for the Pop Committee for the Knox County Fair, which will start on July 22.

Concerns were expressed for Terri Barber and Linda Kerr. Members with birthdays include Jim Hughes, Doug Long and Dee Smith.  

Lecturer JoAnn Walton's program was about aprons. Walton presented a reading in which members read a short sentence about all the ways aprons could be used. Campbell presented a reading entitled "Grandma's Apron." Members brought and displayed aprons of their own, several with special meaning. A Mother's Day word find was passed out as well as a copy of a McCall's apron pattern for 25 cents and instructions on how to make an apron into a bonnet. Each mother was given a potted flower. Our closing song was "The Happy Wanderer."

Our next meeting will be on June 9, at 7:30 p.m. Chodd Armfelt will talk of his experience in helping to build a suspension bridge in Rwanda. All men are asked to bring a tool they have used in their lifetime.