Nineteen members of Morgan Grange met for their monthly meeting on March 10, with Master Will Smith presiding.
Family Activities chairwoman Cindy Campbell reported that 35 people were in attendance for the Community Service/Lecturer Conference that was recently held. The Youth/Junior Conference was held March 12. Pomona Grange met at Morgan on Monday, March 20, for inspection and the fifth degree work will be presented. The Knox County Dartball Tournament will be held at Morgan on Sunday, March 26. The State Dartball Tournament will be held in Fredericktown on Saturday, April 1.
Members of Morgan Grange will meet for an inspection meeting and fourth degree work on April 14, at 7:30 p.m. The Farm-City Dinner will be held at the Ramser 4-H Activity Center on April 17 at 6 p.m. Please RSVP to Cindy Campbell on or before April 7. Spring Fling dates are April 15 and April 22. Morgan will be serving dinner to the Shriners on April 27.
Thank you notes were received from Jane Taylor, Phyllis Lewis and Loretta Crego. Morgan will be participating in the Bunnies for Babes program and members are asked to donate new stuffed bunnies to JoAnn Walton, who will see that they are distributed before Easter. Concerns were expressed for Terri Barber, Doug Long, Luke Crego and Eddie Wilkins. Members with birthdays include Kathy Stafford and Bill and Loretta Crego.
Lecturer JoAnn Walton read the Morgan Grange Officers roll call from 1874, 149 years ago. Cindy Campbell read a humorous letter written by a hillbilly woman to her son. Dee Smith read the instructions on how to bake a cake while tending to children. Every member shared a story or memory from their life on a topic randomly given to them by the lecturer. A word find puzzle was made available to members. Grange was closed with members singing "By the light of the silvery moon."
Patsy Farmer and her grandson Ryder Simon were the judges of the baking contest entries. Class A, Everything Cookies — first place Oneta Debolt, second Cindy Campbell and third Dorthy Hughes; Class B, Cool Whip Cookies — first place Ned Campbell and second Will Smith; Class C, Buckeye Brownies — first place Oneta Debolt, second Dorthy Hughes and third Mary Bebout; Class D, Seven Layer Cookies — first place JoAnn Walton, second Will Smith and third Oneta Debolt.