Morgan Grange hears program on importance of colors



Morgan Grange #829 recently held its February meeting. | Daniel Quiceno M/Unsplash

Seventeen members of Morgan Grange #829 met for their monthly meeting on Friday, Feb. 10. The officers answered roll call and the minutes of the last meeting were approved.

Knox County Deputy Cindy Campbell informed members that this is the year to nominate two members to be in the running to be chosen as delegates to serve at the Ohio State Grange Convention for two years starting at the next convention this fall. Members were given the new annual word.  

Members were reminded of upcoming meetings starting with Pomona Grange at Wayne Grange on Monday, Feb. 20, the Lecturer/Community conference on March 4, Morgan's next meeting on Friday, March 10, (please bring baking contest entries for judging), the County Dartball tournament on March 26, the State Dartball tournament on April 1 and the Farm-City Dinner on April 17. Morgan will also be catering a wedding reception on June 3.

Concerns were expressed for Terri Barber. Members with birthdays include Mary Bebout, Austin Campbell, Tom Carpenter and Jane Taylor. Tom and Oneta Debolt are celebrating an anniversary this month.

Lecturer JoAnn Walton's theme for the February program was "Color Matters." Mary Jordan presented a reading on the special events that take place in February. JoAnn's program relayed the history and importance that color plays in our lives every day. Members were asked to identify colors associated with certain words or phrases. Cindy Campbell was the narrator of a skit where members assumed the personality of the colors of crayons. A Valentine's crossword puzzle and word search was made available to members. Our closing song was "Let me call you sweetheart." Refreshments were served following the meeting.