The Fredericktown Senior Citizens met on Wednesday, Feb. 8, at 11:45 a.m. There were 27 members and guests present for the potluck luncheon. Paul James gave the prayer and then led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Dr. Bill Elder was our guest speaker. Elder is a well-know physician in Fredericktown, and he answered several questions from the members. He provided very good information for all to hear and they want him back next year.
President Ann Ullman called the meeting to order. Secretary Margaret Ann Ruhl read the minutes of the last meeting. No corrections and approved as read. Treasurer Phyllis Shira read the treasurer’s report and it was approved as read.
There were no birthdays in February. One anniversary in February is Larry and Ann Ullman. Everyone sang "Happy Anniversary" to them. No Deaths to report in February.
Ullman welcomed Paul and Irma James back after being ill. Dean Shira had not attended for some time and was welcomed.
No Old Business. New Business, Margaret Ann Ruhl announced that the trips are being finished. Brenda Gerhart and Ruhl have just three to finish scheduling. The first trip is scheduled for April 21 to the Vaud-Villities and is not finished with the morning activities. May 17 is scheduled for the Cleveland Thistledown Casino and Horse racing. June 22 is scheduled for the Cleveland Guardians baseball game. More to come next month, but you can contact Gerhart at 740-263-0276 or Ruhl at 740-393-1889 or 740-398-4786 with questions.
Ullman read a thank-you card for a donation to Charles Swank, a firefighter who passed away. Cards were sent to Denzel and Sandra Koppert, as they have been missing our meetings. Another card was sent to Elaine Hillier, who is at Country Court Nursing Home after some falls at home. Renate Miller will be home in late February after she completes her therapy. Miller is currently living in North Carolina with her daughter.
Belinda Litt asked about what was going on with our Fire Department. No one present had an answer, but they might have a ballot issue in the November election, and we can ask them to come and speak at our October meeting.
Vonda Turner is our historian since 2000 and has brought the book for all to see. If you have any pictures or articles for the book, see Vonda.
Ullman did some monkey readings to end the meeting.
The next meeting will be Wednesday, March 8. The program will be Jim Blanchard, Fredericktown park director.
Ullman adjourned the meeting and Ray Davis seconded it.