To the Editor:
Why would we take power away from the Ohio State Board of Education and give power over schools and teachers to the Ohio State Legislature? That body refused, repeatedly, the Ohio State Supreme Court’s rulings to make school funding fair. They refuse to take any steps to protect students and teachers from gun violence.
The legislature refuses to pass a livable minimum wage for parents of hungry children.
It siphons money to private schools and promotes lies about “grooming.”
These legislators want to enforce ignorance by banning books that teach real history, saying children shouldn’t feel guilty. Children don’t, but the legislature should be chastised for not trying to eliminate this toxic residue of racism.
Instead, they attack trans children in sports (HB151), make it difficult for citizens to change the Ohio Constitution (HJR6), limit ballot access (HB294) and force mothers who can’t afford to feed their existing children to have more.
Shame on them. Cruelty, lies and ignorance are not the solution for anything.
Jill Grubb