The Ohio Sheep Improvement Association and Hardin County OSU Extension will have a statewide sheep production tour focusing on dry lot/ confinement sheep operations. There will be multiple tour stops including in Knox, Licking and Crawford counties. Each tour stop will only be offered at the time listed.
Saturday, Oct. 15
10 a.m., Cable Family Lamb Feedlot, 10491 Canal Road, Hebron, (Dave Cable Family, Licking County) – Large contract lamb finishing feedlot in Ohio feeding several thousand lambs from all over the United States. Have more recenly added a dry lot/confinement ewe flock ot produce additional lambs for the Cable Farms feedlot. Primary facilities include hoop buildings.
11:30 a.m. – lunch.
1 p.m., Lone Pine Ranch, 25267 Blanchard Road, Howard, (Greg and Bev Miller, Knox County) – Lone Pine Ranch is located in the prime sheep producing area of Knox County, historically known for their pasture-based sheep production systems, but for the purpose of this production tour, we will be concentrating our educational efforts on their buildings and facilities, where they lamb out their 160 commercial ewe flock and feed out their own lambs for market.
3 p.m., Skyline Farms, 14501 Skyline Dr., Danville, (Don Hawk Family, Knox County) – Large contract lamb finishing feedlot in Ohio feeding several thousand lambs from all over the United States. Have more recently added a dry lot/confinement ewe flock to produce additional lambs for the Skyline Farms feedlot. Primary facilities include renovated turkey barns.
Sunday, Oct. 16
10:30 a.m., Harschuh Livestock, 6348 Park Road, Sycamore, (Greg Harscuch Family, Crawford County) – Have recently added a dry lot/confinement commercial and Club Lamb operation in combination with their confinement dairy herd. Recently built confinement/lot building with new and innovative methods of feeding the ewe flock. Concentrate many resources to high quality forages due to the dairy cattle part of the operation.
To register online, visit For more information contact Mark Badertscher, OSU Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension educator, Hardin County, 419-767-6037 or for tour details.