Knox County Pomona Grange installs new officers



The Knox County Pomona Grange met on Monday, Sept. 19, at Morgan Grange. Master Lonnie Totten called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. with 17 members and one guest present.

County Deputy Cindy Campbell started with the installation of the new officers present for the 2022-2023 grange year. Master Lonnie Totten; Overseer Ned Campbell; Lecturer Willis Smith; Steward Etta Arnholt; Assistant Steward Ed Moore; Lady Assistant Steward Cindy Campbell; Treasurer Margaret Ann Ruhl; Secretary Dee Smith; Pomona Terri Moore; Flora Priscilla Arnholt and Executive Committee Marie Walker and JoAnn Walton. Absent were Chaplin Connie Powell; Gatekeeper Denise Barton; Ceres Cathy Morey and Executive Committee Belinda Litt. They will be installed at the next Pomona Grange meeting.

Legislative Chairperson Sue Roy talked about the Aluminum Coalition and that we are purchasing from foreign countries. The quality is not the same as American made. Bruce Roy and other grangers will be working a booth at the Farm Science Review by London, Ohio. There are 23 resolutions to be considered at the Ohio State Grange convention in October.

Family Activities Chairperson Mary Jewell reported that the new September/October Grange magazine is out online and being mailed to all grangers. It has the new theme of "Ohio State Grange 150 Years Looking Forward to the Future" and all of the upcoming conferences and contests.

County Deputy Cindy Campbell reported that if you want the Ohio Grange magazine for the year in paper form, you need to send the last page of the magazine with $5 to the Ohio State Grange Office. Knox County is to help with the Memorial Service at the Ohio State Grange Convention on Oct. 30. Campbell described what her thoughts are for this service using wooden birds and decorating them. Knox County also is to handle the Rose Drill for the 6th degree on Oct. 29. First practice will be Sunday, Oct. 16, at Morgan Grange at 4 p.m. The Masters of all of the granges in Knox County will meet on Sunday, Oct. 16, at 3:30 p.m. at Morgan Grange to discuss the upcoming grange year. 

Congratulations to Zoey Howard on being the second runner-up in the Little Miss Tomato Pageant at the Fredericktown Tomato Show. Zoey is the daughter of Tommy and Sarah Howard and granddaughter of Dee and Willis Smith.

Pop Committee, chaired by Dee Smith, had no report, but that the Knox County Fair Board had election of officers for the 2023 year. The new president is Jim Ruhl.

Treasurer Margaret Ann Ruhl reported that the Ohio Mutual Insurance was cancelled for the grange, but that Celina Insurance has picked us up at a reduced cost. All thanks go to Vasbinder Insurance for finding this company for us.

Cindy Campbell is headed to Las Vegas to represent the Ohio State Grange in the talent contest. A motion was made to help Campbell with some of her expenses. Best of luck to Cindy Campbell in November when she presents her talent of a reading called "The Dash."

Lecturer program was presented by Willis Smith. First was a paper contest of the missing letters in the grange manual for the third degree. Remember when a grange is buying or selling a product, to tell who grange is and let vendors know why we are purchasing from them. Invite them to join the Grange and remind them the meaning of Grange. Smith did some trivia questions that all could guess the answers. Smith also challenged the granges to participate in the Grange in Action and the National Publicity Contest. Lastly, Smith read the invention of the blueberry popsicle and that this month is National Better Breakfast.

A card was sent around for Dave Morey as he had all this teeth removed and is waiting to have heart surgery. 

Next meeting will be at Monroe-Dan Emmett Grange on Monday, Oct. 17, at 7 p.m.

Submitted by Margaret Ann Ruhl, Reporter.