Twelve members of Morgan Grange #829 met for their monthly meeting on Friday, Sept. 9, with Master Will Smith presiding over the meeting. Roll call was taken and minutes were read and approved. Legislative agent Will Smith informed members that a new resolution concerning the process of how resolutions are considered at the state convention will be submitted to the state grange office.
Cindy Campbell, family activities chairwoman, asked for volunteers to help serve a wedding reception on Saturday, Sept. 24. Morgan will serve a dinner to the Shriners on Thursday, Sept. 29. If interested in subscribing to the Ohio Granger magazine, please return the entire back page of the September/October magazine along with $5 to the state office before the end of October. Congratulations was extended to Mary Bebout as her recipe for Buckeye bars is to be used as the Class C baking contest recipe. Final preparations are being made for the Oct. 22 chicken noodle drive thru dinner. A nomination list of next year's officers was presented and it was decided to accept the proposed officers list with the understanding that some of the positions are not completely confirmed. The newly elected officers will be installed at the Nov. 11 meeting.
Members with birthdays include Darrell Bebout, Barb Bower, Steve Chadwick, Imogene Hanes, Gary Kohl, Jerry Lewis, Bob Smith and Anissa Ward. Larry and Judy Williams are celebrating a wedding anniversary this month. As it was National Teddy Bear Day, each member guessed a number and Bob Smith drew the lucky number and won a stuffed teddy bear.
Refreshments were served following the meeting as members played a game of Bingo. No one had a winning card, so our next game will be worth $60. Pomona Grange will meet at Morgan on Monday, Sept. 19, at 7 p.m. for installation of officers. Morgan members will meet again on Friday, Oct. 14 starting with a pot luck dinner at 6:30 pm and the meeting at 7:30 p.m. We will have a special program to honor several long time members.