Knox County Pomona Grange


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Knox County Pomona Grange met on Monday, Aug. 15, at Wayne Grange. Master Lonnie Totten called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. with 18 members and one guest present.

Legislative Chair and State Grange President Sue Roy reported that the free Deterra bags used to dispose of unused drugs program has ended with the Ohio State Grange. On the recent report that the National Grange building in Washington D. C. was sold, that deal fell through and they are now taking bids for new buyers. Reservations are out for people to attend the National Convention in November. The National Grange executive board is working on the agenda for that meeting. It will be held in Sparks, Nevada. Margaret Ann Ruhl and Sue Roy are working on new podcasts next week. The podcast name is Buckeye Patrons Pulse podcasts. Sue Roy is also working on a new power point presentation to get our name out there and what we do. Lastly, resolutions are due in the Ohio State Grange Office by Sept. 1, as well as other committee reports being due Sept. 1.

Margaret Ann Ruhl read a thank you for the support of the Knox County 4-H programs that was signed by the Junior Fair Committee.

Dee Smith reported on the Pop Committee and the fair. With the increase in cost, the price didn't seem to stop people from purchasing the pop. The iced tea was a big hit. Also a big thank you to Cindy Campbell for getting a buyer to take the extra supplies for another event.

In unfinished business, it was reported that the Ohio State Grange is working on a refreshed website. They are still looking for a webmaster to keep it updated, which is a paid position and does not have to be a grange member.

New business was the election of officers for the 2022-2023 grange year. Elected were Master Lonnie Totten; Overseer Ned Campbell; Lecturer Willis Smith; Steward Etta Arnholt; Assistant Steward Ed Moore; Lady Assistant Steward Cindy Campbell; Chaplin Connie Powell; Gatekeeper Denise Barton; Treasurer Margaret Ann Ruhl; Secretary Dee Smith; Pomona Terri Moore; Ceres Cathy Morey; Flora Priscilla Arnholt; and Marie Walker, JoAnn Walton and Belinda Litt to the executive committee. Master Lonnie Totten thanked the nomination committee of JoAnn Walton, Marie Walker and Belinda Litt for getting the offices filled.

County Deputy Cindy Campbell reported that the fair booths looked great. First place went to Wayne Grange, second place to Morgan Grange, third place to Wayne Grange Auxiliary, fourth place to Monroe-Dan Emmett Grange, fifth place to Middlebury Grange and sixth place to Harrison Grange. Youth Division, first place to Wayne Grange. Junior Division, first place to Morgan Grange. There were booths for Dartball and Pomona Grange. Campbell thanked CES Credit Union for sponsoring the golf cart for use all week at the fair. Campbell is also available to install the new officers at any meeting, just let her know of the date, etc.

Judging of the crafts and photos were completed by Deb Hamilton, Ohio State Grange secretary. Results are Spring Fling craft to Priscilla Arnolt; use of a glue gun to Lonnie Totten; barn quilt block to Priscilla Arnholt; youth string art to Connie Powell; dreamcatcher to Connie Powell; something to wear to Etta Arnholt; knitted cozy for a bowl or cup to Margaret Ann Ruhl; embroidery to Mary Beutel; plastic canvas to Mary Beutel; knitted shawl to Margaret Ann Ruhl; three-piece knitted baby outfit to Loretta Crego; stuffed toy to Mary Beutel; and something for the table to Loretta Crego. Photographs of scenery to Dee Smith; people to Cindy Campbell; agricultural to Heather Miller; animals to Heather Miller; Grange activity to Heather Miller; any subject to Lonnie Totten and any subject from a non-member to Jud Brandenburg. Priscilla Arnholt made a quilt block and sent to National Grange.

Knox County will present the Memorial Service at the Ohio State Grange Convention. They also will present a Rose Drill at the 6th Degree, which will be at the Ohio State Convention in October.

Ned Campbell read a resolution to be presented by Knox County Pomona Grange to the Ohio State Grange. The resolution states the requirements of the budget committee and how to structure this important committee.

Lecturer's program was presented by Willis Smith. His quote was from the 2nd degree from a speech by the chaplain. The next quote was from the Declaration of Purposes in the 1st degree. Smith's remaining program was on frogs. He had facts about the frogs, a word search and a skit on a mistaken call to Pizza Hut.

We were asked to remember Elaine Altstaetter with the passing of her husband, Dale. Also a card was sent to Dave Morey as he is struggling with teeth and heart issues.

Next meeting will be Sept. 19 at Morgan Grange. It will be at 7 p.m. with the installation of officers. Snacks will be served after the meeting.