Elite Preparedness marks 5th anniversary with Freedom Concert


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Musicians Bryan Lewis, Triad and Confederate Railroad will headline a concert Aug. 6 to mark the fifth anniversary of Elite Preparedness in Utica.

This patriotic-themed concert, to be held at the Schnormeier Event Center at Ariel-Foundation Park, will raise money to be equally split among Knox County first responders. The festivities will begin at 2 p.m., with music starting at 4 p.m.

The first-annual Local American Hero Award will be presented in memory of Dave “MAC” McElroy.

Sponsors include Ver-Mac Industries Inc., Wendy’s, Energy Cooperative, Woodward Opera House and Domino’s Pizza.

For tickets, visit ElitePreparednessFreedomConcert.Eventbrite.com.

If you have questions or need information, send an email to Brian at Brian@ElitePreparedness.com or Dena at HouseManager@thewoodward.com.