Wayne Grange



Wayne Grange met on Friday, July 15, at 7 p.m. Master Jordan Miller called the meeting to order with 14 members, one guest and four children present.

Legislative/Agriculture Chairperson Jordan Miller reported that there is a special election on Aug. 2. It is to elect the new districts for the Ohio House of Representatives, Ohio Senators and State Central Committeemen and women for each political party. Also, we need to be working on resolutions to take to the Ohio State Grange.

Wayne Grange served a dinner for the Knox County Township Association on June 14. It was right after the tornado went through Knox County. Some trustees liked the hot meal, even though, they had been out cleaning up roads all night and day. It was very hard to do as many members didn't have electricity, but we did serve 24 people that did show up.

Sarah Howard reported on the Ohio Youth camp. It was June 14 to 16 and they had 6 girls and 5 boys attend. It was held in Hocking Hills and they enjoyed swimming, making their own pizza and the Mystery Shack. They are looking forward to planning a Winter Camp in January 2023.

Junior Matron Terri Moore introduced Zoey Howard to talk about her experience at Junior Camp. Howard slept in a bunk bed, had a dance party and climbed the rock wall. It was held at Otterbein in Logan County, July 8 to 10.

Community Service Chairperson Margaret Ann Ruhl reported that the farmer's market was going well. Every member should have to provide baked goods only three times this season. We are halfway through the season. Everyone who is able to help sell pop at the Knox County Fair needs to see Cathy Morey as she has the schedule. Those who are helping need to arrive 15 minutes early to sign in and start at their pop booth.

No Old Business at this time.

New Business was brought to our attention by Master Jordan Miller that we need to replace the fire extinguisher. We voted that this must be done since the old one will not hold a charge. The neighbor across the street asked about the big pine trees out front and a concern that if they fall, it would be across the road and hit their house. Since the trees are in the state right of way, they need to contact the Department of Transportation with their concerns. The picnic shelter house and tables need to be removed. If anyone wants the picnic tables, they are welcome to them as we don't use it any more.

We have two open offices to be filled, being lecturer and pomona. Terri Moore volunteered to handle lecturer if no one else wanted it. That opened up ceres now, and Margaret Ann Ruhl was suggested for that office and Mary Beutel for pomona.

Judging of the photos and crafts was done by the membership. Winners were for the photographs - Class A Scenery Heather Miller; Class B People Heather Miller; Class C Ag/Farm Heather Miller; Class D Animal Heather Miller; Class E Grange Activity Heather Miller and Class F Other Heather Miller. Crafts were Knitted Shaw Margaret Ann Ruhl; Knitted Cozy for a Cup Margaret Ann Ruhl; Embroidery Mary Beutel and Toy Mary Beutel.

Lecturer's Program was Zoey Howard singing "Can't Ride in a Little Red Wagon" and the ABC song. David Dalrymple read Terms from the Past. Terri Moore read the history of the Knox County Fair. The Knox County Fair is July 24 through July 30. Belinda Litt and Margaret Ann Ruhl will be putting up a fair booth for Wayne Grange and Wayne Grange Auxiliary. Heather Miller and Sarah Howard will be putting up a Youth Booth. 

Good to see Tommy Howard and Belinda Litt back after minor surgeries, both on their right hands.  

Next meeting will be a picnic at the Millers' barn on August 19. Hot dogs and buns will be furnished. Picnic will start at 6:30 p.m. It will be election of officers.