Twenty-one members of Morgan Grange met Friday, July 8, with Master Will Smith presiding. Roll call was taken and minutes were read and approved.
Cindy Campbell thanked all who helped cook and serve a Utica High School class reunion dinner on June 10. Plans were finalized to cook and serve a noon meal to the Utica Senior Citizens on Monday, July 11.
Morgan will be putting up a fair booth at the Knox County fair this year thanks to Barb Bower and Cindy Campbell. JoAnn Walton reminded members to sign up to work at the pop stands at the fair later this month.
Cindy Campbell was recognized and congratulated as the winner of the Ohio State Grange talent contest. She will present her talent with the recitation of the poem entitled "The Dash" at the National Grange Convention to be held Nov. 14-19 in Reno, Nevada.
It was decided by members to purchase dictionaries from the Dictionary Project to be distributed to Utica and Newton Elementary school third-graders. The Grange will be making a monetary donation to support the Knox County Junior Fair Livestock Buyer's Club again this year. Ned Campbell graciously offered to spray the hall's driveway and parking lot for weeds.
Concerns were expressed for Doug Long and Robert Newton. Members with birthdays this month include Cindy Campbell, Peg Carpenter, Aileen Hiltner and Judy Williams. Jim and Dorthy Hughes are celebrating a wedding anniversary this month.
Pomona Grange will meet for a picnic at the shelter house behind Monroe-Dan Emment grange at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, July 18. Meat is provided, please bring a side dish.
Lecturer JoAnn Walton presented a program centered around Everybody's Birthday. Ned Campbell read a comical story entitled "The Old Geezer" and Mary Jordan read a funny story about an older woman titled "The Rooster Puzzle." Each member present was asked to share a special birthday memory. JoAnn asked everyone to pick a number between one and thirty. Sue Bateman picked the lucky number 28 and won the birthday present.
Refreshments of birthday cake and ice cream were served following the meeting as members enjoyed a short game of Bingo. Rita Smith had a winning card and won the $60.00 prize. Our next meeting will be on Friday, Aug. 12, at 7:30 p.m. and the Bingo prize will be $20. Please bring your craft, photography and needlework projects to be judged at our next meeting.