Gov. DeWine statement on state review of Ohio power outages


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Last week's storms left more than 20,000 Knox residents without power. | Adobe Stock

COLUMBUS – Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine issued the following statement on last week's power outages:

"On  Wednesday, June 15, the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio announced that it would conduct a review of all Ohio’s electric utilities related to electric power outages following storms that occurred on June 13  and actions that those utilities may or may not have taken.

I  support this review and note that many of the questions Ohioans are  asking in the light of these power failures should be reviewed as part  of the PUCO process, including:

  • What steps are Ohio’s utilities taking to ensure that the significant disruption Ohioans experienced last week does not occur again? 
  • Why certain central Ohio neighborhoods lost power and others did not?
  • Why certain northeast Ohio communities took the better part of a week to come back online?
  • Did utilities do enough to communicate to their customers ahead of planned power shut-offs to protect the grid, especially when electronic communications cannot be accessed without electricity?
"I look forward to the findings of the PUCO."