Wayne Grange



Wayne Grange met on Friday, May 20, at 7 p.m. Master Jordan Miller called the meeting to order with nine members and two children present.

State Grange Legislative Director Margaret Ann Ruhl announced the podcast is up and running. Name of the podcast is Ohio Grange Buckeye Patrons Pulse Podcast. We are still working on the Federal Government to get the Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBM) to do their jobs of focusing on ensuring fairness and transparency in the market for prescription drugs.

Reminder that the Knox County Fair is coming up. A change on when to put up the fair booth by adding Wednesday, July 20, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and/or July 21 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Township Association dinner will be Tuesday June 14 at 6:30 p.m.at the Knox County Memorial Building. Bev Edwards and Elaine Hillier will be letting us know what to make for the dinner.

Secretary Cathy Morey read a letter from the Grange Pop Committee. Attached is the schedule for Wayne Grange workers to help sell pop, water and maybe tea. The list was sent around the room for people to sign-up.

We voted to drop Connie Sherman from the membership due to lack of payment for her dues. Sherman had asked Jordan Miller to remove her from membership as the last meeting. With Dee Smith getting a demit from our grange, we now have two offices open to fill. One is the Lecturer and the other is Pomona. We are to be looking for new membership. It is hard to do some of our community service without more members. 

Community Service Chairperson, Margaret Ann Ruhl handed out the schedule for the Farmer's Market. There are only three members per Thursday night to prepare baked goods to sell. Each member only has to prepare three times as Ruhl only put them on the schedule once per month. If you can't do the week you are scheduled, you need to get your own replacement. This is a big fund raiser for the grange and all the proceeds go to help the community.

The upkeep of the grange is needed and it was discussed to put a sign outside stating the hall is available to be rented. Jordan Miller said he has an article to put in the 43019 magazine to help promote our grange.

Chaplin Elaine Hillier hosted the Memorial Service, which we do one every year to honor those who have gone on before us this past year. Joyce Pence and Don Walters were two members we received from Berlin Grange when they merged with Wayne. We also paid tribute to Philip "Skip" Edwards and he knowledge of the grange, which will be missed.

Belinda Litt read some short stories of Success Truths, Great Truths Children Learned, Great Truths Adults Learned and Great Truths Getting Old Learned. Funny stories to listen to that the children liked.

Next meeting will be Friday, June 17, at 7 p.m. The theme will be Dairy Night and all grangers are to bring something to share about Dairy.

Submitted by Margaret Ann Ruhl, Reporter.