Wayne Grange



Wayne Grange met on Friday, April 15, at 7 p.m. Master Jordan Miller called the meeting to order with 10 members, four children and one guest present.

Legislative Chairperson Jordan Miller announced that the tax breaks for beginning farmers is now law. Margaret Ann Ruhl added that House Bill 135 has passed the House of Representatives and is at the Senate for hearings. This bill will allow coupons or discounts that the customer receives on their prescriptions to be included in the insurance deductible. Reminder that there will be a primary on May 3, but the district maps have not been approved, so the State House of Representatives and the State Senators up for election will not be on this ballot. Neither will be the U. S. House of Representatives or the State Central Committee members. There will be a Ohio State Grange Legislative Day on April 23 at the Ohio State Grange Office. It starts at 9 a.m. and will run until 3 p.m. Speakers include Justice Sharon Kennedy, Ohio Director of Agriculture Dorothy Pelanda, lobbyist Jenny Camper and a police officer talking on scams. President Sue Roy and Margaret Ann Ruhl are working on podcasts to be listened to on the website. We are called Buckeye Patrons Pulse Podcast.

Cathy Morey, deaf chairperson, reported that the annual Deaf Conference was held virtually this year. With the help of Morey's daughter, Morey was able to get on with her tablet. They will continue to support the Dogs for Better Life program.

Jordan Miller reported on the State Grange Dartball tournament. Wayne Grange placed 7th of 9 teams. The good news was that the Knox County granges made $335 on the food sales.

Bev Edwards was not present, but Belinda Litt reported that we did serve the Baldwin Shriners and they had 19 people present. They celebrated Robert Gregg's birthday with cake.

No old business to discuss. New business was if we want to participate in the weekly Fredericktown Farmers Market. It starts the first Thursday in June and runs through the second week in September. It was moved to participate with our baked goods, but only June through August except for the week of fair. The Farm-City dinner is Monday, April 18, at the Ramser 4-H Center at the Knox County Fairgrounds. Doors open at 6 p.m. with dinner at 6:30 p.m. It is different this year as it will be catered by Lannings and a cost of $5 per person. 

Lecturer's Program, Dee Smith presented a question that included the answer of the 1st degree of Grange. Sarah Howard had Pictionary with most all the members participating in drawing. 

Upcoming events: Pomona Grange will be hosted by Middlebury Grange, but they don't have a grange hall and want to have it at Wayne Grange. It will be May 16 at 7 p.m. Work will be started on the pop stands and fair booths in July. Our next Township Dinner will be June 14. The grange approved the rental of the hall for a birthday party on June 19.

Dee Smith offered a demit from the grange, stating she was too stressed to go to two granges, Pomona and State granges. Her husband belongs to Morgan Grange, and if they accept her, she will still be active in Knox County.

Members reported that still need prayers were John and Mary Beutel, although Mary is now home. Elaine Hillier has pneumonia. 

Next meeting will be May 20 with the Memorial Service as the program starting at 7 p.m.